Our Staff

Aaron Millett – Owner
- Favorite place to ride: Fort Rock Exeter, NH
- First bike: Columbia 3 speed
- Favorite type of riding: Cyclocross
- Favorite ice cream flavor: Chubby Hubby
- Hero: Sven Nyes
- Hidden talent or super power: One-handed wheelies
- Favorite road/ trail snack: potatoes
- Astrological sign: Gemini
- Last movie watched: The Godfather

Tom Reinke – General Manager
- Favorite place to ride: Willowdale
- First bike: Trek 950 1986
- Favorite type of riding: Gravel adventure
- Hidden talent or super power: I can keep 1 million balls in the air.
- Best stunt ever: Towing a Christmas tree with my bike.
- Astrological sign: Taurus
- Favorite movie: Frozen
- Something people may not know about me: I'm an ordained minister.
- Favorite ice cream flavor: Chocolate swirl
- Favorite road/trail snack: Cheese curds

Ryan Conner – NBPT Sales
- Nickname: Big Ryan
- Favorite place to ride: Anywhere that doesn’t require a drive first
- First bike: Don’t know. Don’t think it was possible to know. There was a lot of patina.
- Favorite type of riding: I like it all
- Favorite ice cream flavor: Maple Walnut
- Hero: Sitting Bull
- Hidden talent or super power: I can iron a mean shirt
- Favorite road/trail snack: Peanut butter and honey sandwich
- Astrological sign: Aquarius
- Last movie watched: Dune

Andy Scott – HVRL Sales Manager
- Nickname: Randy
- Favorite place to ride: Shadowland Kingston, NH
- First bike: Specialized Hardrock
- Favorite type of riding: Mixed terrain mountain bike
- Favorite ice cream flavor: Ben & Jerry's Karmel Sutra
- Hero: Mike Honcho
- Hidden talent or super power: Unicycling
- Best stunt ever: Flat ground flip
- Favorite road/trail snack: Dates with almond butter
- Astrological sign: Sagittarius
- Last movie watched: Talladega Nights
- Something people might not know about me: I'm usually tired and hungry

Katherine Brown – Community Outreach & Sales
- Nickname: KB, Katybird
- First bike: A red Schwinn Bantam
- Favorite type of riding: Off road adventuring
- Favorite ice cream flavor: Chocolate peanut butter cup
- Hero: Amelia Earhart
- Best stunt ever: The Catapult
- Favorite road/trail snack: Ham sandwich
- Astrological sign: Virgo
- Something people might not know about me: I love dancing anywhere anytime.

Chris Sialatis – NBPT Sales & Online Sales Specialist
- Nickname: Lil' Chris
- First bike: A yellow & black Huffy
- Favorite type of riding: Road
- Favorite ice cream flavor: Coffee
- Favorite road/trail snack: Bobos
- Astrological sign: Scorpio
- Last movie watched: Blazing Saddles
- Something people might not know about me: I grew up vegetarian

Chris Scott – NBPT Sales
- Nickname: Big Chris
- First bike: A blue stingray with a banana seat
- Favorite type of riding: Cyclocross & Gravel
- Favorite ice cream flavor: Chocolate peanut butter
- Favorite road/trail snack: pizza
- Astrological sign: Cancer
- Favorite movie: Rambo First Blood
- Hero: My father, Donald
Jorge Cardona - NBPT Service
- First bike: BMX
- Favorite type of riding: Road
- Favorite ice cream flavor: Strawberry
- Favorite road/trail snack:
- Astrological sign: Scorpio
- Last movie watched: The Professional
- Something people might not know about me: I commute 20-50 miles a day on my bike

Scott Dallaire - NBPT Service
- First bike: Kuwahara BMX
- Favorite type of riding: Gravel/Adventure
- Favorite ice cream flavor: Mint Chocolate Chip
- Favorite road/trail snack: Fig newtons & whiskey
- Astrological sign: Sagittarius
- Last movie watched: The Thing
- Something people might not know about me: I'm not bald.

Ryan Flanagan - NBPT Service
- Favorite type of riding: Gravel/Adventure
- Favorite ice cream flavor: Beer
- Favorite road/trail snack: Beer
- Astrological sign: Capricorn
- Last movie watched: Strange Brew
- Favorite movie: Smokey and the Bandit
- Something people might not know about me: I like beer!

Alex Borzi - HVRL Sales
- First bike: Univega 10 speed
- Favorite ice cream flavor: Phantom berry
- Favorite type of riding: Mountain
- Astrological sign: Aquarius
- Something people may not know about me: I go to school for sustainable development
- Favorite place to ride: Windham, NH trails

Matteo Moller - HVRL Service Manager
- First bike:
- Favorite ice cream flavor:
- Last movie watched:
- Favorite type of riding:
- Last movie you watched:
- Astrological sign:
- Something people may not know about me:
- Best stunt ever:

Rich Deandra - HVRL Service
- Where are you from: Plaistow, NH
- So, what brought you to this area: Retirement
- How long have you been in the bike industry: A long time.
- Favorite type of riding: Road/Gravel
- Last movie you watched: The Heat
- Astrological sign: Scorpio
- Favorite food: Not enough space to list all my favorites

Mike Demers - Driver/ HVRL Sales
- Where are you from: Salem, NH
- Favorite type of riding: Mountain biking
- Last movie you watched: The Impossible Route- Vegan Cyclist
- Astrological sign: Taurus
- Favorite ice cream flavor: Coffee
- First bike: An orange Schwinn
- Favorite road/trail snack: Cheeseburgers
- Nickname: Mikey D

Chris Finn - MBTS Sales
- Where are you from: Manchester by the Sea
- What was your first bike: Univega BMX
- How long in the bike industry: Since 1981
- Favorite movie: The OG Star Wars
- Favorite type of riding: Road
- Favorite ice cream flavor: Coffee
- Something people may not know about you: I love to cook!

Eli Hickey - MBTS Service
- Where are you from: Lanesville, MA
- What was your first bike: Diamondback Sorrento
- How long in the bike industry: 4 years
- Favorite movie: Napoleon Dynamite
- Favorite type of riding: Downhill
- Favorite ice cream flavor: Ben& Jerry Half Baked
- Something people may not know about me: I play golf!